IRMA: Why do you think Swiss Skin Care products have such a good reputation?
Maria-Mercedes Kohl: The Swiss cultivate their craft and traditions. The people and their products are unique and unmistakable.
What makes your product unique?
Maria-Mercedes Kohl: The ointment developed by a Swiss doctor, which were originally used for the treatment of wounds and skin diseases of all kinds, have a purely physiological effect on the contained ions such as calcium, potassium, magnesium or sodium in combination with natural active ingredients such as pectin, betaine and oak bark extract. Ions are special salts that can penetrate into the innermost tissue layers through ion channels, ie through tiny openings in the walls of your skin cells. Thanks to this harmonizing cell action, Swiss Ionin has both a healing and skin-tightening effect.
Tell us an extra Tipp or trick to use your product?
Maria-Mercedes Kohl: Swiss Ionin is very recommendable in summer after sunbathing or to treat sunburns.
What is your latest discovery in skincare? And what are you working on now?
Maria-Mercedes Kohl: At the moment we are working on a moisturizer for the face.
If I travel and can just take 4 skin care products with me, what would you recommend?
Maria-Mercedes Kohl:
Ions, the more effective way of making a cellulite mask work
Why I use Gelée Royale on a daily basis. MATRICELL makes a very good one. Yes, I am a fan